Imagine the situation: you decided to download a large file from the torrent, added it to the client, and the download speed is negligible. Why does this happen if the number of siders exceeds several hundred? Let’s try to understand the situation, and at the same time, we will tell you some effective ways that will allow you to increase the download speed of the torrent file.
Make Your Downloads Faster – How to Boost The Torrent Speed
It is not a secret that torrent clients allow users to download large files in a few minutes. That is why, in the recent ten years, the number of torrent users has been increased significantly. When users download utorrent for pc, they want to get the maximum speed instantly. However, only a few know that you must customize your settings to get such results.
The Speed Limit

Before you start complaining or wondering why your torrent downloads, make sure that your current Internet company provides you with unlimited conditions. Nowadays, you have to pay for such services, and it is impossible to get fast downloads if your current tariff is limited in various ways.
Upgrade Your Client

As strange as it may seem, but the problem with speed may lie in the outdated client, which does not support work with modern protocols. In addition, it is believed that developers artificially make their legacy software work much worse, so that the user updates it as soon as possible. And although this is just a rumor, experience confirms the opposite – too many coincidences.
Find files with lots of seeders

Users in torrent networks are divided into two types: Seed (seeders) and Leech (leechers). The first are those users who have already downloaded the file on your computer. In other words, they give it away. Leechers are those who download the file. If the file is popular, then the number of leechers will be very high, for example, several thousand. If at the same time it is distributed by only one computer, then the speed of downloading the file will be just ridiculous, if the download starts at all. In this case, it makes sense to look for other distributions with as many siders as possible – the more of them, the higher the speed of distribution. I hope you understand.
Increase the number of TCP connections

The operating system is limited to the number of connections that the system allows you to open for a certain period. This feature is necessary in order to prevent the spread of malicious files that can get on the computer.
To increase the open connections, there are special patches that can be easily found on the Internet. With their help, you can set any limit (at least several thousand ports). Changes are made to the tcpip.sys file. It is necessary to work with it carefully, as incorrect changes can lead to serious problems.
Turn off some active torrents

Suppose you decide to download several files at once. The speed will probably be divided equally between files. That is if the speed is 1.5 MB and you download three files, then theoretically it will be divided equally between them, but this is only a theory. In practice, most often one file is downloaded much faster than others, and not those that you need. Therefore, either turn off the part of the torrents or assign them a priority.
Firewall issue

A firewall is a set of tools that controls and filters network packets passing through it, according to specified rules. A firewall is built into the Windows operating system by default. If an antivirus is installed on your computer, then it will most likely disable the Windows Firewall and enable its protection, which often works much more efficiently.
Some users are advised to disable this type of protection altogether. They say that the speed of work will immediately increase. Maybe so, but in this case, you risk your computer, as hackers, for example, can attack it. To avoid such problems, you are required to add a torrent client to the firewall exception list.
Enable DHT support
DHT – is a distributed hash table. With this feature, your computer will be able to communicate with other computers directly without the participation of the tracker itself, so that the number of seeders can increase significantly.
Change The Port Number
When installing a torrent client, the port is generated automatically based on certain rules. However, at any time, you can independently assign a port number. This should be done in cases where you suspect that the provider wants to limit the download speed directly through the port. Such cases, unfortunately, very much all the time.
Disable all third-party programs
The fact is that some of the installed programs on a computer tend to “clog” the channel in such a way that the rate of take-off becomes minimal. Such programs may include, for example, instant messengers such as Viber, email clients, etc. They must be disabled.
Examine All Your Connection Settings
Finally, we would like to give you simple advice – carefully review the settings of the torrent client. Many large providers, which also provide support through their forums, often spread on them instructions and recommendations on how to set up an Internet connection, routers, torrent clients, etc.